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1. General. You will find below the list of documents to bring with you. In the schedule, there is no time allotted to correct deficiencies on your part, and this could have a serious impact on your file status (payroll, security clearance, medical follow-up, etc). So, it is your responsibility and in your interest to be well organized. The following documents must be brought with you to RMC, if you didn't hand them into your recruiting centre, or if there is a change in the information you provided to the recruiting centre. You will find an aide-memoire at Annex G, to help you make sure that you have everything you will need upon arrival at RMC.
2. ILOY candidates will require the following:
- Birth Certificate. Please bring it and give it to your training staff on the first training day. Please bring your Certificate of Canadian Citizenship or Certificate of Naturalization if you were born outside Canada;
- Vaccination Booklet. If you have a vaccination booklet, please bring it and give it to your training staff on the first training day. All Reserve members must make sure that they have received a copy of their immunization card from their unit;
- the Canadian Forces Health Services (CF H Svcs) is responsible for maintaining your health. Immunization is a safe and effective way to protect against many infectious diseases that could otherwise cause serious illness or, in some cases, death. Living and working in a military environment, at home or abroad, can significantly increase your risk of developing certain infectious diseases compared to a Canadian civilian. In addition to routine vaccines such as tetanus, the Canadian Armed Forces provides vaccines that protect against diseases to which you may be exposed on specific deployments;
- most Canadians receive their basic immunizations in childhood or as an adult from their local public health department or their doctor. It is very important that these past immunizations are documented in your Canadian Forces Health Record. Without adequate documentation of previous immunizations there is no reliable way to determine if you are protected against many vaccine-preventable diseases. Without your past record, you will have to be re-immunized, even though this might mean receiving vaccine injections that could have otherwise been avoided had adequate records been provided;
- the CF H Svcs strongly urges you to take every effort to obtain your civilian immunization records from your local public health department and/or your doctor, and present this record to CF H Svcs personnel for review upon request;
- your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated; and
- immunization records required by 11 August 2019 at 4:00 pm. Fax: Attn: Community Health Nurse at 613-541-4435. Note. Immunization records must originate from either your local public health office or from your doctor's office. Immunizations will only be administered to those candidates who will be attending RMC full-time in September.
- Prescription Glasses/Contact Lenses. You must bring your eyeglass and/or contact lens prescription. It is also recommended to have a second pair of eyeglasses;
- Security Clearance Form. All cadets must fill in a security clearance request. You must get the questionnaire for requesting the security clearance from your recruiting centre or unit (as the case may be). You must complete your request before reporting to RMC, and you must provide accurate information on your relatives. When you'll be asked to fill out this form, you must have the following relevant information available to you:
- name, date and place of birth, address of your spouse/common-law (if applicable), and his/her employers' names and addresses;
- names, dates and places of birth of natural or adoptive parents of spouse/ common-law, as well as their employers' names and addresses;
- your home address, list of employments and employers for the last 10 years.
All the addresses you provide for the last 10 years must include, with precision, the street number and postal code, etc. If you need help with the form, consult your recruiting centre;
You have to account for all periods of 30 days or more and - names, addresses, and home and office telephone numbers of three individuals who can serve as your references.
- Certified Copies of Diplomas. Cadets should also bring a copy of their last transcript or evidence of successful completion of studies;
- Copy of Lease. Candidates who are married or living in a recognized common-law relationship and who occupied rented premises or a house before arriving at RMC must show proof that they have a lease or a mortgage. You must show proof of phone bills or electricity bills. If you don't have these documents, you'll have to pay for your quarters and rations;
- Social Insurance Card;
- birth certificates (originals) for your children, dependants and spouse;
- marriage certificate (original);
- affidavit respecting your common-law relationship (original);
- certificate of separation or divorce (original);
- proof of name change (original);
- proof of change in medical status;
- reimbursement of moving expenses (DND 1654), provided by your recruiting centre;
- Cash. We recommend that you bring at least $150 to cover unforeseen expenses during the arrival procedures;
- Pay. You will be paid bi-monthly; the amount will be deposited into an account of your choice. For this service, you must have a bank account and present a void cheque from that account. If you do not have cheques, please bring all the necessary information for direct deposit to include the bank transit number, institution number and account number (see your financial institution if unsure);
- if you do not have a bank account or wish to open a new one, it will be easy to open an account through the Canadian Defence Community Banking program (CDCB) sponsored by CFPSA, or at the Base Credit Union; and
- for ease of access to your pay, we recommend you take the necessary arrangements with your branch prior to arriving in Kingston.
- Leave Request Authorization (CF 100). Obtained from your recruiting centre prior to departure. Instructions in the event of sickness or injury while in transit to RMC are annotated on the back;
- for cadets coming from the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, you must bring your provincial health care card in order to have your policy and premiums cancelled; and
- Emergency Notification Form. You will be required to fill out an emergency notification form upon your arrival. In the event of an emergency, these will be the first people contacted. Ensure you have the following information readily available:
- Primary Next of Kin. Full name, complete address and telephone numbers; and
- Secondary Next of Kin. Full name, complete address and telephone numbers.