Health and Wellness

Urgent Help: Resources and Support

Need Help Now? Get Help Now!

For a Life-Threatening Emergency, Call 911 Immediately

Suicide Prevention Helpline, Call 988

Crisis Mental Health Support

Any students, staff or faculty can contact the following to seek immediate assistance for someone in need of support:

Campus Security Control Center (SCC):
613-541-6000 x6666 or x3640  24hr/7d
Kingston Police:
613-549-4660  24hr/7d
Military Police:
613-541-5648  24hr/7d
RMC Duty Officer:
(613) 541-6000 x8351, Cell (613) 453-5007  24hr/7d
Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Mental Health Services:
613-544-4229 or 1-866-616-6005  24hrs crisis line
Other Mental Health Support
RMC Padres:
613-541-6000 x6204 or 4094 Mon to Fri from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (contact numbers of Padres available 24/7 are undisclosed online)
RMC Mental Health Services:
613-541-5010 x5776 (Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
33 Health Services Center (CDU 4 on campus):
613-541-5010 x6310, 6994 or 3588 (Mon-Fri 7:30 to 4 p.m.)
NPF Employee and Family Assistance Program:
Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS):
1-800-883-6094, 613-541-5010 x4393
Medical Emergencies
24-hours a day, 7 days a week
613-548-2333, 613-549-6666
King St. between George St. & Lower University Ave. (emergency department entrance)
Sexual Violence Resources
KGH Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Program:
613-549-6666 x4880  24hr/7d
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston:
613-544-6424  24hr crisis line
613-548-4834 (Victims services)
613-541-5010 x6310, 6994 or 3588 (Mon-Fri 7:30 to 4 p.m.)
Victim Quick Response Program (Kingston):
Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) – Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence:
Students can go to the Emergency Department at Kingston Health Sciences Centre's (KHSC) Kingston General Hospital site or the Urgent Care Centre at KHSC's Hotel Dieu Hospital site and ask to see the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence (SADV) nurse
The SADV team is available 24-hours-a-day, seven days a week
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston (SACK)
Crisis & support services available 24/7 by phone 1-877-544-6424
Chat and text support is also available
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Services
Main contact on campus for students impacted by sexual violence
Get Help Now: Steps for Students to Take After a Sexual Assault
Give Help Now: Responding to a Disclosure
Student Wellness Services
Students can contact the or visit the staff at the College Success Centre
Concern for Safety or Missing Persons
Contact RMC’s Campus Security Control Center (SCC):
613-541-6000 x6666 or x3640  24hr/7d to assist in locating members of the RMC community if they have gone missing, or if others have grown concerned for their safety and well-being.
Assistance Groups and Programs
Member/Employee Assistance Program (MAP):
1-800-268-7708  24hr/7d
NPF Employee and Family Assistance Program:
Dispute Resolution Centre (DRC):
613-541-5010 x5641
33 Health Services Addiction Counsellor:
613-541-5010 x 5120
Kingston Military Family Resource Centre:
613-541-5010 x5195 or x3296 (support & intervention), Mon-Wed, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thurs/Fri, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat/Sun, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Other Resources
Training Wing Duty Officer:
613-541-7697  24hr/7d
Officer of the Day:
613-483-3024  24hr/7d
Phone Operator:
613-541-6000 or 613-541-5010  24hr/7d
Chaplains Office Library Inventory:
Books on Personal Growth, Counselling, Grief, Religion that are available for loan at the Chaplain’s Office, Yeo Hall #207
Student Wellness

As a military university and unit of the Canadian Armed Forces, the faculty and staff of the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) care for the safety and wellbeing of its students, and mental health crises are taken very seriously and understand that timely care is of utmost importance.

When the RMC community rallies together in response to incidents on campus, it reminds itself that everyone is a member of a great team whose members care for each other reaching out to friends, colleagues, fellow students, and family on campus, whenever someone see or sense that someone may be struggling and in need of help.

Available on campus to build resilience and engage proactively in overall mental well-being are the RMC Success Centre and the Resilience Plus Program. The Success Centre is available for those who are unsure of what support they might need, or where to access this support, and Resilience Plus can provide coaching to be better prepare to successfully react when life throws a challenge, and before circumstances become overwhelming. There are also the volunteers of the Sentinel Program, CAF members who can help colleagues learn about resources and provide a kind ear to listen when needed.

Many resources are available when more than a caring friend to listen or to talk to is needed, starting with the chain of command, whose responsibility it is to look after our people. For undergrad students of RMC, their Training Wing staff always remain a safe point of first contact to help when they face issues or challenges of any kind.

Other permanent resources at RMC include our resident Chaplains (Padres) – not only religious and spiritual guides but also skilled counsellors – who are present throughout RMC and available to engage with whomever requires support.

Members of the RMC Community remember that they are here for each other and, when more help is needed, resources are available. Anyone who needs help, feels unsure, or just wants some extra support in difficult times at RMC know that it is an act of strength to reach out if and when one is struggling, and to ask for help when needed.


All RMC Students, Staff and Faculty of RMC can contact the or visit the staff at the College Success Centre.

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