Caroline D'Amours

Caroline D'Amours, BSc, BA, MA, PhD, Assistant Professor
Caroline D'Amours
Assistant Professor
Massey 338
(613) 541-6000 ext 3763; CSN: 271-3763

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4

Caroline D’Amours, earned a BA in history and an MA in Canadian military history from Université Laval. She earned her PhD in Canadian military history from the University of Ottawa in 2015. Her thesis focused on infantry reinforcement training for the Canadian Army during the Second World War (1939-1945). Dr. D’Amours was then a postdoctoral fellow with the International History Institute at Boston University where she focused on the participation of the Lower St. Lawrence region in the Second World War. Her current research focuses on Quebec’s contribution to the conflict and the combat training of the Canadian Army. She is also interested in the impact of culture on the behaviour of soldiers and populations in conflict situations.


  • PhD history (University of Ottawa)
  • MA history (Université Laval)
  • BA history (Université Laval)
  • BSc kinésiologie (Université Laval)

Research Interests

  • Military Culture
  • French Canada's reaction to, and participation in, both world wars
  • Canadian Army Combat Training in the Second World War

Courses Taught

  • HIF103 - Histoire du Canada
  • HIF202 - Introduction à l'histoire militaire canadienne
  • HIF203 - Introduction à l'histoire militaire canadienne
  • HIF207 - Introduction à l'histoire militaire canadienne
  • HIF419 - Les États-Unis et la Seconde Guerre mondiale


  • (with Catherine Mavriplis et Hannah Young), The Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program - Canada's CWSE from 1996 to 2023, New York, Springer Nature (contract signed), 2024. 
  • "Le Centre d’instruction no 55 à Rimouski", in Soldats de la côte : L’histoire régimentaire des Fusiliers du St-Laurent, 1869-2019, Rimouski, Le Régiment (in press).
  • "La question de l'engagement du Canada français" in Claude Quétel (ed.), La Seconde Guerre mondiale vue autrement, Paris, Éditions, Buchet Chastel (2022), p. 30-45.
  • "Assurer le ravitaillement des troupes alliées – La Bataille de l’Escaut (1944)", This Week in History, Parks Canada, 19 November 2019. 
  • "Preparing the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division for the Normandy Campaign, 1942-1944", Active History, 5 July 2019. 
  • "Canadian Military Culture and Tactical Training, 1940 – 1944: The Making of Infantry Junior NCOs", Journal of Military History, vol. 82, no 4 (October 2018), p. 1175-1198.
  • "Idéalistes, pragmatiques et les autres : Profil des volontaires du Régiment de la Chaudière, 1939-1945", Social History, vol. 51, no 103 (May 2018), p. 125-147.
  • "La formation du 22e Bataillon au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale. La fin de l’exception canadienne-française ?" in Courtois, Charles-Philippe et Laurent Veyssière (eds.), Le Québec dans la Grande Guerre. Engagements, refus, héritages, Québec, Septentrion, 2015, p. 41-55.
  • "Training for Operation Jubilee: Tactics and Training in the Fusiliers Mont-Royal and the Dieppe Raid, 1939 – 1942", Canadian Military History, vol. 22, no 4 (Fall 2013), p. 17-33.
  • "Réévaluation d’une crise : les renforts d’infanterie du Canada pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale", Canadian Army Journal, vol. 14, no 2 (Summer 2012), p. 76-95
  • " Nouveaux films, vieux débats : Le Déserteur et Passchendaele", Bulletin d’histoire politique, vol. 20, no 3 (Spring 2012), p. 45-56.
  • "La campagne de prévention des infections transmises sexuellement durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale", with Jeffrey Keshen in Warren, J.P. (ed.), Histoire de la sexualité au Québec. Montreal, VLB, 2012, p. 101-121.
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