Performance Indicators and Outcomes

The chart below represents the target outcomes that RMC expect to achieve solely due to the receipt of the Research Support Funds. Without the availability of the financial resources given to us by the RSF, we would be unable to improve and deliver critical services at the College, as seen by the table below.

Eligible Expenditure Area Output (investment of RSF funds) Performance Objective Performance Indicator Target Outcome Outcomes Reported at Year-End
Research Facilities $140,000 Library building and furnishings remain appropriate to need Ratio of complaints received from library patrons to number of patrons using the spaces Fewer than 2% of library users express a complaint about the physical facilities Target met
Research Facilities $15,000 Create a website for Research at RMC  Website is established and receives regular access from faculty and research administrators Website traffic exceeds the email traffic in direct questions to research staff In design phase
Management and Administration of an institution's Research Enterprise $ 291,000 Maintain sufficient administrative staff to grantee support and rapid processing times. Satisfaction expressed by award applicants and award holders on end of year survey >90% of survey responses are positive or neutral Target met
Management and Administration of an institution's Research Enterprise $15,000 Ensure all grants comply with new measures to safeguard Canadian research


  1. Submission remains on time
  2. Application numbers remain consistent
Active grants remain uninterrupted for security reasons
All new applications are vetted by research professionals and no active grants are flagged as ‘at risk’ by external agencies Target met
Management and Administration of an institution's Research Enterprise $20,000 Offer regular and updated training to faculty, to include EDI and safeguarding research

Number of faculty and research administrators who successfully complete the training

Minimize application delays or interruptions to active grants while increasing grant success rate due to increased knowledge of priority management areas Target met
Research Resources $376,726 Obtain journal subscriptions and purchase scholarly monographs to enable current research Number of requests received for materials unavailable through standard offerings Library provides timely access to up-to-date and relevant scholarly works Target met
Research Resources $10,000 Create and obtain tools required for safeguarding research program Ratio of applications delayed due to security concerns per applications received Application vetting is thorough and timely; no appreciable delays or loss in number of applications submitted Target met
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