2023 Mechanical Engineering Graduate Programs Cyclical Program Review Implementation Plan Update of Cycle 1

Implementation Plan

Recommendation Proposed Follow-up Responsibility for Leading Follow-up Timeline for Addressing Recommendation
1. Time-to-Completion Implement a robust student progress reporting process across the Graduate School. DGS Completed. Will required ongoing monitoring and adjustment.
2. Resources are Critical Fill and/or resolve the HR challenges associated with the two administrative positions (AY 2016/17) . Department Head, Dean of Engineering and VPA. Completed. Senior position filled, junior position abolished.
3. Streamlining Processes Efforts are underway to shorten the approval process at the top end through greater delegations. Principal Ongoing. Approvals and administration required for conference travel were greatly simplified in February 2018.
4. Inadequate library resources Funding for additional electronic journals has already resulted in 60 new titles. Other titles are currently being identified. VPA and Chief Librarian

Monitored annually

Access to electronic journals is continually expanding.

5. Coherent plan for start-up funds allocation

1. Incorporate start-up fund proposal and allocation in the hiring process.

2. Establish a more realistic budget line for start-up funds to enhance attraction of new faculty and ensure their early success.

1. Principal

2. VPR, Principal.
July 2018 (completed)

The department has just initiated the process to hire a new faculty for a start date in the summer of 2023. Startup will be negotiated with the VPR and the Principal.
6. More support for non-engineering aspects of the program Consider better supports for professional development courses. Ensure both students and faculty are better informed as to student support services (including the Writing Centre). Department Head, Dean of Engineering

Monitored annually.

The Success Centre (Student Centre) was launched in 2017 for the RMC community.

7. Insufficient financial support for civilian graduate students. Lobby the provincial government to make RMC eligible for OGS for their civilian graduate students.

Consider a revenue sharing model for graduate student tuition that would deliver better pedagogical supports, especially conference attendance.

OGS lobby was unsuccessful and is considered closed. The department offers several TA opportunities for civilians PG students.


8. Graduate recruitment. Advertise at other Canadian universities and relevant conferences. Seek opportunities to engage undergraduate students in research. Department Head


Undergraduate student research opportunities have translated into several PG student enrollments.

9. Course on methodology in research Introduce a research seminar course with material on research methodology. Department Head Ongoing. Seminar course introduced, research methodology component in progress.


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