Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Course Offered

Graduate Courses Offered in 2024-2025

The following courses will be offered in the 2024-2025 academic year, organized in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) courses for Full-Year 2024-2025, ECE courses for the Fall 2024 semester, ECE courses for the Winter 2025 semester, other RMC graduate courses, and other Queen's University graduate courses. Course names link to descriptions in the RMC Graduate Calendar and instructor names link to an email to them.

EE502 is compulsory for all Masters students and is not acceptable in the program of study for Doctoral students.

ECE Full Year 2024-2025 Graduate Courses

Number Course Name Instructor

Applied Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Friday 08:00 - 10:00 in Sawyer 4214

Dr Chan
Fall 2024
Dr Tarbouchi
Winter 2025

ECE Fall 2024 Graduate Courses

Number Course Name Instructor
EE503 Wheeled Mobile Robots: Modeling, Control and Instrumentation, Note 5 Dr Liu
EE505 Satellite Communications Dr Hefnawi
EE511 Digital Signal Processing, Note 1 Dr Elghamrawy

Adaptive Filtering Theory, Note 5

Dr Noureldin

Radar Basics and Applications

Dr Antar

Introduction to Computer Systems And Network Security, Note 1, Note 5
Tuesday from 13:00 - 16:00 in Sawyer 5206

Dr Leblanc
EE593  Advanced Network Traffic Analysis, Note 1, Note 2, Note 5
Thursday 09:00 - 12:00 in Sawyer 4214
Mr. Lachine
EE595 Cyber Threat and Attack Techniques, Note 1, Note 5
Tuesday 10:00 - 11:30 in Sawyer 5206
Thursday 14:00 - 15:30 in Sawyer 5200
Capt Soucy
EE598 Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity, Note 5
Friday 10:00 - 13:00 in Sawyer 4214
Dr Al Mallah

ECE Winter 2025 Graduate Courses

Number Course Name Instructor

Topics in Electrical Engineering - Applied Deep Reinforcement Learning

Dr Ammar

Integrated Navigation Systems

Dr Noureldin

Antenna Engineering

Dr Antar
EE546 Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks Dr. Karime
EE549 Digital Communications Dr Chan

Malware Analysis, Note 1, Note 5

Dr Smith

Applied Cyber Operations, Note 1, Note 3, Note 5

Dr Knight

Capt Sullivan

Other Graduate Courses at RMC

While many graduate courses are offered at RMC, we list a few here that may be of some interest to our students.

The Master of Business Administration Program may offer courses of interest to ECE students

The Master of Public Administration Program may offer courses of interest to ECE students

The Mathematics and Computer Science Department offers the following graduate courses this year:

Other Graduate Courses at Queen's University

The list of graduate courses offered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen's university can be found at the previous link.

The list of graduate courses offered by the Queen's School of Computing can be found at the previous link.

More Information

For more information about ECE graduate graduate course offering, please contact the Chair of the ECE Graduate Studies Committee, Dr Sylvain P. Leblanc.

Any suggestions for updates or improvements to this page should be directed to Dr Sylvain P. Leblanc.

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