2023 Bachelor of Science Chemistry Cyclical Program Review Implementation Plan Update of Cycle 2

Implementation Plan

Recommendation Proposed Follow-up Responsibility for Leading Follow-up Timeline for Addressing Recommendation
1. Improve coordination between academic and military activities. As an institution, RMC is improving its communication through the use of a master calendar.  All faculty are encouraged to proactively talk to training wing and identify important course dates in the syllabus in order to avoid calendar conflicts. Will review annually during implementation update (June 2024)
2. Develop a list of resource priorities, which includes possible future hires. Hold a Spring Meeting in late May 2023 to establish list. Program Chair May 2023
3. Develop 6-9 clearly articulated program learning outcomes (PLOs) that align with institutional, provincial (Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents' Undergraduate Degree Level Expectations), and national (Canadian Degree Qualifications Framework) standards. Hold a Spring Meeting in late May 2023 to establish list in consultation with Head of the Writing Center. Program Chair May 2023
4. Develop a curriculum map to indicate where in the program the PLOs are being met. Hold a Spring Meeting in late May 2023 to establish list in consultation with Head of the Writing Center Program Chair May 2023
5. Seek knowledgeable assistance in developing those PLOs and the curriculum map. Invite Head of the Writing Center to present to the faculty on normal procedures and methodologies. Program Chair May 2023
6. Prepare a study that surveys, evaluates, and documents the EDI and indigenous aspects of the chemistry programs and the learning environment of the students in it. Begin consultations with the RMC EDI officer (Ana Androsik) as well as AVPIKL (Dr. Daniel Lussier) to establish the parameters of the study. Head of the Department June 2023 to be completed by December 2023
7. Generate a list of academic resources (e.g. scientific journals) needed to support the undergraduate chemistry programs and work proactively with the Library to seek access. Faculty in Chemistry will be asked to identify missing resources. Students will be surveyed during the seminar course (mandatory for all senior year students).

Departmental Library Committee Member

8. Arrange for there to be semi-regular and scheduled discussions between faculty specifically regarding their teaching activities. To be discussed at the spring meeting. Also, encourage attendance at the Lunch and Learn sessions. Program Chair May 2023
9. Incorporate more Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) into faculty and student research opportunities. To be discussed at the spring meeting. Identify a standing senior year project (CCE420) on SoTL Program Chair May 2023
10. Establish ongoing connections with chemistry departments/programs at other military institutions, to share ideas and approaches to teaching, learning, and administration in that environment. To be discussed at the May 2023 meeting, where a person in charge will be identified to attempt this recommendation. We are the only Canadian institution and other\NATO sites have shown reluctance in the past. TBD Will review annually during implementation update (June 2024)
11. Increase context pieces even more into the program (more CAF officer visits and industry site visits). Request permission from the Training Wing to include Chemists in the industrial 2nd year tours. Consider creation of a zero-credit course for the tour. Person responsible for Academic visits Industrial Tours are May 3rd 2023.
12. Integrate at least one completely online course in the program, and carefully consider how the pandemic-related online resources that have been developed can be best-utilized. There is no proposed follow-up. CAF members receive several DL courses during their careers, outside of traditional academic programs, so this recommendation will be fulfilled elsewhere. N/A Completed
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