Implementation Plan
Recommendation | Proposed Follow-up | Responsibility for Leading Follow-up | Timeline for Addressing Recommendation |
1. Improve coordination between academic and military activities. | As an institution, RMC is improving its communication through the use of a master calendar. | All faculty are encouraged to proactively talk to training wing and identify important course dates in the syllabus in order to avoid calendar conflicts. | Will review annually during implementation update (June 2024) |
2. Develop a list of resource priorities, which includes possible future hires. | Hold a Spring Meeting in late May 2023 to establish list. | Program Chair | May 2023 |
3. Develop 6-9 clearly articulated program learning outcomes (PLOs) that align with institutional, provincial (Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents' Undergraduate Degree Level Expectations), and national (Canadian Degree Qualifications Framework) standards. | Hold a Spring Meeting in late May 2023 to establish list in consultation with Head of the Writing Center. | Program Chair | May 2023 |
4. Develop a curriculum map to indicate where in the program the PLOs are being met. | Hold a Spring Meeting in late May 2023 to establish list in consultation with Head of the Writing Center | Program Chair | May 2023 |
5. Seek knowledgeable assistance in developing those PLOs and the curriculum map. | Invite Head of the Writing Center to present to the faculty on normal procedures and methodologies. | Program Chair | May 2023 |
6. Prepare a study that surveys, evaluates, and documents the EDI and indigenous aspects of the chemistry programs and the learning environment of the students in it. | Begin consultations with the RMC EDI officer (Ana Androsik) as well as AVPIKL (Dr. Daniel Lussier) to establish the parameters of the study. | Head of the Department | June 2023 to be completed by December 2023 |
7. Generate a list of academic resources (e.g. scientific journals) needed to support the undergraduate chemistry programs and work proactively with the Library to seek access. | Faculty in Chemistry will be asked to identify missing resources. Students will be surveyed during the seminar course (mandatory for all senior year students). |
Departmental Library Committee Member |
Completed |
8. Arrange for there to be semi-regular and scheduled discussions between faculty specifically regarding their teaching activities. | To be discussed at the spring meeting. Also, encourage attendance at the Lunch and Learn sessions. | Program Chair | May 2023 |
9. Incorporate more Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) into faculty and student research opportunities. | To be discussed at the spring meeting. Identify a standing senior year project (CCE420) on SoTL | Program Chair | May 2023 |
10. Establish ongoing connections with chemistry departments/programs at other military institutions, to share ideas and approaches to teaching, learning, and administration in that environment. | To be discussed at the May 2023 meeting, where a person in charge will be identified to attempt this recommendation. We are the only Canadian institution and other\NATO sites have shown reluctance in the past. | TBD | Will review annually during implementation update (June 2024) |
11. Increase context pieces even more into the program (more CAF officer visits and industry site visits). | Request permission from the Training Wing to include Chemists in the industrial 2nd year tours. Consider creation of a zero-credit course for the tour. | Person responsible for Academic visits | Industrial Tours are May 3rd 2023. |
12. Integrate at least one completely online course in the program, and carefully consider how the pandemic-related online resources that have been developed can be best-utilized. | There is no proposed follow-up. CAF members receive several DL courses during their careers, outside of traditional academic programs, so this recommendation will be fulfilled elsewhere. | N/A | Completed |