Dr. Binu K. Mukherjee

Binu K. Mukherjee
Dr. Binu K. Mukherjee
(613) 541-6000
Department of Physics

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4
  • B.Sc. equivalent: Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, India, 1960
  • B.Sc Hons. (Physics): University of St. Andrews; Scotland. UK., 1965
  • Ph.D (Superconductivity) University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK., 1971
  • DRB Research Associate in Physics at the Royal Military College of Canada, 1969-76.
  • Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, 1982-83.

Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Queen`s University, Kingston, Canada.


  • Previous research interest: Solid State and Low Temperature Physics: Intermediate State in Superconductors.
  • Current research interest: Materials Science: Active Transduction Materials: Piezoelectric and Electrostrictive Materials for Sensors, Actuators and Smart Structures.

Laboratory for Ferroelectric Materials



Comments or suggestions are welcomed at: bryce.bennett@rmc-cmr.ca

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