2024 BEng Chemical Engineering Cyclical Program Review Implementation Plan Update of Cycle 2


Implementation Plan

Recommendation Proposed Follow-up and Resource Implications Responsibility for Leading Follow-up Timeline for Addressing Recommendation
1. Additional resources would be beneficial to address the ability to offer alternate technical electives The program will continually explore options to include technical electives Dept Head Reviewed annually each June
2. Further streamlining is recommended to increase amount of elective courses available Review accreditation during CEAB visit. Dr. Frank Zeman Winter 2026
3. Further mapping of graduate attributes Mapping will be reviewed. Dr. Kennedy & Dr. Marinova 2025-2026 after CEAB
4. Increased emphasis on including examples related to military aspects in courses Milfac will be tasked with identifying examples. Maj. Beaudry/Capt Poonja Fall 2024
5. Provide an organization chart to outline the documentation pertaining to the IQAP review An organizational chart will be included in the next IQAP review. Dean of Eng/Dept Head June 2025


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