Philippe Lamarche

Philippe Lamarche
PEng, ing.
(613) 541-6000 poste 6395 CSN:271-6395
(613) 541-6218
Département de Génie civil

Adresse du collège

Collège militaire royal du Canada
CP 17000, Succursale Forces
Kingston (Ontario) CANADA
K7K 7B4

Intérêts de recherche

  • Traitement de l’eau par filtre à sable lent
  • Traitement physico-chimique de l’eau
  • Pollution d'eaux souterraines (mécanismes, prévention)
  • Traitement des sols/eaux souterraines
  • Dissolution et évaporation de produits pétroliers et des solvants dans le sol
  • Composition et élimination de la neige usée


  • Lamarche, P., 2013, “Review of Recent Developments in Slow Sand Filtration”, OWWA/OMWA (Ontario Water Works Association/Ontario Municipal Water Association) Joint Annual Conference and OWWEA (Ontario Water Works Equipment Association) Trade Show, Ottawa, May 2013,15p. 
  • Lamarche, P. and Rodrigue, M.-É., 2010, “Review of Recent Improvements in Slow Sand Filtration”, IWA (International Water Association) World Water Congress, Montréal, Sep 2010,8p. 
  • Anello, G., Lamarche, P. and Héroux J.A. (2005), "Reduction of Hydraulic Conductivity Changes in an In-Ground Bioreactor", Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 195-207.
  • R. Roy, A. Mihoc, S. Labelle, P. Lamarche, C.W. Greer, J.F. Barker. Microbiological Characterization of Naphthalene Degradation in a Funnel and Gate Groundwater Treatment System. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists, #Emp9, Canadian Society of Microbiologists, Montréal, QC, June 13-16, 1999, p. 59.
  • M. Tétreault, R. Caldwell, P. Lamarche. Former Building P-52 Site, CFB Borden, Preliminary Qualitative Risk Assessment, Prepared for CFB Borden Environment Office, Aug 99, 103 pp.
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