B.J.C. McKercher

B.J.C. McKercher
(613) 541-6000 ext 6007
(613) 541-6056
Département d'histoire

Adresse du collège

Collège militaire royal du Canada
CP 17000, Succursale Forces
Kingston (Ontario) CANADA
K7K 7B4

B.J.C. McKercher est diplômé de la London School of Economics où il a étudié sous la supervision du professeur D. Cameron Watt. De 1997 à 2006, B.J.C. McKercher était à la tête du programme d'Études sur la conduite de la guerre au Collège militaire royal du Canada. Il est maintenant le rédacteur de Diplomacy & Statecraft. Avec K.E. Neilson, il est également rédacteur en chef de The Praeger Series on Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period. Il est également rédacteur en chef de The Praeger Series on Diplomacy and Strategic Thought.

Cheminement académique

  • Ph.D. (London School of Economics)
  • M.A. (University of Alberta)
  • B.A. (Honours) (University of Alberta)

Intérêts de recherche

  • L'histoire moderne des relations internationales
  • Les politiques étrangères américaine et britanniques au 19e et 20e siècles
  • L'histoire moderne britannique
  • L'histoire moderne de l'Europe

Cours enseignés

  • HIE 369A - The Diplomacy of Europes Global Ascendancy: International History, 1815-1870
  • HIE 372B - The Diplomacy of Great Power Rivalry: International History, 1870-1914
  • HIE 374A - From World War to World War: international history, 1900-1945
  • HIE 379B - Cold War, Limited War and Diplomacy: international history since 1945
  • HIE 449 - The History of Intelligence since 1870
  • HIE 454 - The Foreign Policies of the Great Powers since 1815
  • WS 506 - Civil-Military Relations and the Development of National Strategies, 1815-1975
  • WS 560 - International Relations Since 1919



  • The Britain, America, and the Special Relationship since 1941 (Abingdon: Routledge, 2017), 205 pp. 207
  • Transition of Power: Britains Loss of Global Preeminence to the United States, 1930-1945 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 402.
  • Esme Howard: A Diplomatic Biography (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 482.
  • The Second Baldwin Government and the United States, 1924-1929: attitudes and diplomacy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), pp. 271.

En préparation

  • Crown of Thorns: British Foreign Policy and Its Makers, 1919-1939
  • Avec R. Prete, co-rédacteur, Strategic Planning and the Origins of the First World War: New Perspectives on the Centenary of the July Crisis (Kingston, Montréal: Queens-McGill University Press).

Ouvrages dirigés

  • editor, The Handbook of Diplomacy and Statecraft (London: Routledge, 2011), 489 pp.
  • avec D.J. Moss, co-rédacteur, Shadow and Substance in British Foreign Policy, 1895-1939. Essays in honour of the late Professor C.J. Lowe (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1984), pp. 280.
  • avec E.J. Errington, co-rédacteur, The Vietnam War as History (New York: Praeger, 1990), pp. 196.
  • editor, Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s: the struggle for supremacy (London et Edmonton: Macmillans et la University of Alberta Press, 1991), pp. 242.
  • avec K.E. Neilson, co-rédacteur, Go Spy the Land: Military Intelligence in History (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1992), pp. 205.
  • editor, Arms Limitation and Disarmament, 1899-1939: restraints on war (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1992), pp. 248
  • avec A.H. Ion, co-rédacteur, Military Heretics: studies in the unorthodox in military leadership (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993), pp. 246.
  • avec L. Aronsen, co-rédacteur, The North Atlantic Powers in a Changing World: Anglo-American-Canadian Relations, 1903-1956 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996), pp. 298.
  • avec Michael Dockrill, co-rédacteur, Diplomacy and World Power: Studies in British Foreign Policy, 1890-1951 Un festschrift pour Zara Steiner pour sa retraite. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 271.
  • avec M.A. Hennessey, co-rédacteur, The Operational Art: Developments in the Theory of War (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997), pp. 220.
  • avec R. Legault, co-rédacteur, Military Planning and the Origins of the Second World War in Europe (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000), pp.208.
  • E. Goldstein et B.J.C. McKercher, eds., Power and Stability. British Foreign Policy, 1865-1965) (London: Frank Cass, 2003), pp.348.
  • M.A. Hennessy et B.J.C. McKercher, eds., War in the Twentieth Century. Reflections at Century's End (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003), 245 pp.

Autres publications

  • ‘Economic Warfare’, dans Hew Strachan, ed., Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War, New Edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), 119-133.
  • ‘The Democratization of Central and Eastern Europevas a British Strategic Objective, 1918–1925/Die Demokratisierung der Mittel-und Osteuropa als britischer Ideal nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg’, dans H. Rumpler, and U. Harmat, eds., Die Habsburgermonarchie 1848-1918, Bd. XII: Bewältigte Vergangenheit? Die nationale und internationale Historiografie zum Untergang der Habsburgermonarchie als ideelle Grundlage für die Neuordnung Europas (Wien: Kommission für die Geschichte der Habsburgermonarchie, 2018), 331-58.
  • ‘Economic Warfare’, dans Hew Strachan, ed., Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War, New Edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), 119-133.
  • ‘Strategy and Foreign Policy in Great Britain, 1930-1938: From the Pursuit of the Balance of Power to Appeasement’, dans Christopher Baxter, M.L. Dockrill, et Keith Hamilton, ed., Britain in Global Politics, Volume I: From Gladstone to Churchill, 1900-1945 (London: Palgrave, 2013), 153-74.
  • ‘The War Office and the British Army Field Force: Building for the Continental Commitment, 1933-1939’, dans Harold Raugh, ed, Past Through Present: Thoughts on Military History at the Strategic, Operational, and Tactical Levels of War (Vienna: Heeresgeschichtlichen Museums, 2013), 121-36.
  • ‘Prologue: The International Order and the New Century’, dans B.J.C. McKercher, ed., The Handbook of Diplomacy and Statecraft (London: Routledge, 2011), ix-xxviii
  • Transition of Power: Britains Loss of Global Preeminence to the United States, 1930-1945 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 402. Paperback.
  • Esme Howard: A Diplomatic Biography (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 482. Paperback.
  • The Second Baldwin Government and the United States, 1924-1929: attitudes and diplomacy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. 271. Paperback
  • avec Michael Dockrill, co-rédacteur, Diplomacy and World Power: Studies in British Foreign Policy, 1890-1951. Un festschrift pour Zara Steiner pour sa retraite. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 271. Broché.
  • avec L. Aronsen, co-rédacteur, The North Atlantic Powers in a Changing World: Anglo-American-Canadian Relations, 1903-1956 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996), pp. 298. Broché.
  • avec D.J. Moss, co-rédacteur, Shadow and Substance in British Foreign Policy, 1895-1939. Essays in honour of the late Professor C.J. Lowe (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1984), pp. 280. Broché.


  • Anschluss: The Chamberlain Government and the First Test of Appeasement, February–March 1938International History Review, 39/2(2017), 274-94.
  • ‘Kanada’, dans E.A. Schmidl, hrsg., ‘Was sagt uns der Erste Weltkrieg heute? Führende Militärhistoriker aus 21 Staaten berichten‘, ISS Aktuell, 3(2014), p. 8.
  • Canada and the Second World War’ [Review article], Cercles. Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Anglophone (Février 2014)
  • Deterrence and the European Balance of Power: The Field Force and British Grand Strategy, 1934-1938, English Historical Review, 123(2008).
  • avec Sonia Enjamio, Brighter Futures, Better Times: Britain, the Empire, and Anglo-American Economic Competition in Cuba, 1898-1920', Diplomacy and Statecraft, 18(2007), 663-687.
  • A Certain Irritation: The White House, the State Department, and the Desire for a Naval Settlement with Great Britain, 1927-1930', Diplomatic History, 31(2007), 829-63.
  • The Foreign Office, 1930-1939: Strategy, Permanent Interests, and National Security, Contemporary British History, 18)2004), 87-109.
  • Austen Chamberlain and the Continental Balance of Power: Strategy, Stability, and the League of Nations, 1924-29', Diplomacy and Statecraft, 14(2003), 207-36.
  • avec Erik Goldstein, Power and Stability in British Foreign Policy, 1865-1965', Diplomacy and Statecraft, 14(2003), 1-22.
  • avec Catherine Krull, The Press, Public Opinion, Arms Limitation, and Government Policy in Britain, 1932-1934: Some Preliminary Observation, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 13(2002), 103-36.
  • avec M.L. Roi, Ideals and Punch-Bags: Conflicting Views of the Balance of Power and Their Influence on Interwar British Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 12(2001), 47-78.
  • From Disarmament to Rearmament: British Civil-Military Relations and Policy-Making, 1933-1936', Defence Studies, 1(2001), 21-48.
  • Reckoning with the Myth of the American Expeditionary Force: The United States and the Allied War Coalition, 1917-1918', Reviews in American History, 23(1995), 284-89.
  • The Last Old Diplomat: Sir Robert Vansittart and the Verities of British Foreign Policy, 1903-1930', Diplomacy and Statecraft, 6(1995), 1-38.
  • The Politics of Naval Disarmament in Britain in the 1920s, Diplomacy and Statecraft, Vol..4, No.3(1993), 35-59.
  • "No Eternal Friends or Enemies": British Defence Policy and the Problem of the United States, 1919-1939', Canadian Journal of History, 28(1993), 257-93.
  • The Paths of Reason and Peace: Esme Howard's Unpublished Manuscript on "Paderewski. Musician B Patriot B Statesman", Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 41(1993), 81-100.
  • The Richness and Diversity of International History: the new "Guides to Research and Research Materials", Canadian Journal of History, 27(1992), 521-31.
  • From Enmity to Cooperation: the second Baldwin government and the improvement of Anglo-American relations, November 1928-June 1929', Albion, 24(1992), 64-87.
  • "Our Most Dangerous Enemy": Great Britain Pre-eminent in the 1930s, International History Review, 13(1991), 751-83.
  • Reaching for the Brass Ring: recent historiography of American foreign relations in the interwar period, Diplomatic History, 15(1991), 565-98.
  • Diplomatic Equipoise: The Lansdowne Foreign Office, the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, and the global balance of power, Canadian Journal of History, 24(1989), 299-340.
  • Wealth, Power, and the New International Order: Britain and the American Challenge in the 1920s, Diplomatic History, 12(1988), 411-41.
  • "A dose of fascismo": Esme Howard in Spain, 1919-1924', International History Review, 9(1987), 555-85.
  • Belligerent Rights in 1927-1929: Foreign Policy Versus Naval Policy in the Second Baldwin Government, Historical Journal, 29(1986), 963-74.
  • A Sane and Sensible Diplomacy: Austen Chamberlain, Japan, and the Naval Balance of Power in the Pacific Ocean, 1924-1929', Canadian Journal of History, 21(1986), 187-213.
  • Austen Chamberlain's Control of British Foreign Policy, 1924-1929', International History Review, 6(1984), 570-91.
  • avec K.E. Neilson, "The Triumph of Unarmed Forces": Sweden and the Allied Blockade of Germany, 1914-1917', Journal of Strategic Studies, 7(1984), 178-99.
  • A British View of American Foreign Policy: The Settlement of Blockade Claims, 1924-1927', International History Review, 3(1981), 358-84.

Articles dans des livres de références

  • Esme William Howard, first Baron of Penrith, dans C. Matthews, ed., The Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004).
  • Sir Ronald Charles Lindsay, dans C. Matthews, ed., The Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004).

Chapitres de livre

  • Post-War Security, the League of Nations Question, and British Foreign Policy, 1917-1922, dans M. apolvi, M. Stanová, et A, Rakoto, eds., Exiting War. Post-Conflict Military Operations. 6th International Conference, Military History Working Group, Bratislava, Slovakia (Bratislav, Château de Vicennes: Vojenský historický ústav, 2007), 259-68.
  • From Isolation to Intervention: Anglo-Canadian Defense Relations from the Canadian Perspective, 1935-1939, dans R.S. Rush et W.W. Epley, eds., Multinational Operations: Alliances and International Military Cooperation. Past and Future. Actes du colloque, Fifth Workshop of the Partnership for Peaces Consortiums Military History Working Group, Vienne, Autriche (Washington, DC: Center of Military History, 2006), 85-91.
  • The Foreign Office, 1930-1939: Strategy, Permanent Interests, and National Security, dans G. Johnson, ed., The Foreign Office and British Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century (London: Routledge, 2005), 87-109.
  • The Limitations of the Politician-Strategist: Winston Churchill and the German Threat, 1933-1939', dans John Maurer, ed., Churchill and Strategic Dilemmas Before the World Wars. Essays in Honor of Michael I. Handel (London: Frank Cass, 2003), 88-120.
  • avec M.A. Hennessy, danstroduction, dans M.A. Hennessy et B.J.C. McKercher, eds., War in the Twentieth Century. Reflections at Century's End (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003), 1-18.
  • Austen Chamberlain and the Continental Balance of Power: Strategy, Stability, and the League of Nations, 1924-29', dans E. Goldstein et B.J.C. McKercher, eds., Power and Stability. British Foreign Policy, 1865-1965 (London: Frank Cass, 2003), 207-36.
  • avec Erik Goldstein, Power and Stability in British Foreign Policy, 1865-1965', dans E. Goldstein et B.J.C. McKercher, eds., Power and Stability. British Foreign Policy, 1865-1965 (London: Frank Cass, 2003), 1-22.
  • Cold War North Atlantic Triangle: Canada, Great Britain, and the United States, 1945-1990', dans A. Capet, ed., The "Special Relationship". La " relation spéciale " entre le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis (Rouen: University of Rouen Press, 2003), 137-67.
  • The Canadian Way of Warfare, 1939-1945', dans B. Horn, ed., Forging a Nation: Perpectives on the Canadian Military Experience (St Catherines, Ontario: Vanwell Publishing, 2002), 123-34.
  • Reaching for the Brass Ring: The Recent Historiography of Interwar American Foreign Relations, dans Michael J. Hogan, ed., Paths to Power: The Historiography of American Foreign Relations to 1941 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.176-223.
  • Lost Opportunities ; The Diplomacy of "Isolationism" in the 1930s, dans Jonathan M. Nielson, ed., Speculations on American Foreign Policy and Diplomatic History: Interests, Ideals, and Power (Westport, CT: Praeger,2000), 67-107
  • Toward the Post-War Settlement: Winston Churchill and the Second Quebec Conference, dans D.L. Woolner, ed., The Second Quebec Conference Revisited; Waging War, Formulating Peace: Canada, Great Britain, and the United States, 1944-1945 (New York: St. Martin's Press et la Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, 1998), 17-48.
  • Economic Warfare, dans Hew Strachan, ed., Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), 119-133.
  • Old Diplomacy and New: The Foreign Office in the Interwar Period, dans Dockrill and McKercher, Diplomacy and World Power, 79-114.
  • The League of Nations and the Problem of Collective Security, 1919-1936', dans U.M. Rüser, ed., The League of Nations, 1920-1946. Organization and Accomplishments Geneva: the United Nations Library/League of Nations Archives, 1996), 66-73.
  • avec L. Aronsen, Introduction: The North Atlantic Powers in a Changing World: Anglo-American-Canadian Relations, 1903-1973', dans McKercher and Aronsen, North Atlantic Powers, 3-11.
  • avec M.L. Dockrill, Preface, dans Dockrill and McKercher, Diplomacy and World Power, xiii-xix.
  • World Power and Isolationism: the North Atlantic Triangle and the crises of the 1930s, dans McKercher and Aronsen, North Atlantic Powers, 110-46.
  • Churchill, the European balance of power, and the USA, dans R.A.C. Parker, ed., Sir Winston Churchill. Studies in Statesmanship (London: Brasseys, 1995), 42-64.
  • The Politics of Naval Arms Limitation in Britain in the 1920s, dans Erik Goldstein and John Maurer, eds., The Washington Conference, 1921-22. Naval Rivalry, East Asian Stability and the Road to Pearl Harbor (London: Frank Cass, 1994), 35-59.
  • "Shield of Memory": the memoirs of the British Foreign-Policy-Making Elite, 1919-1939', dans G.W. Egerton, ed., Political Memoir: Essays on the Politics of Memory (London: Frank Cass, 1994), 188-206.
  • avec A.H. Ion, Introduction: Military Heretics, dans McKercher and Ion, Military Heretics, 1-10.
  • Of Horns and Teeth: the Preparatory Commission and the World Disarmament Conference, 1926-1934', dans McKercher, Arms Limitation and Disarmament, 173-201.
  • Introduction: Arms Limitation, Disarmament, and restraints on war, 1899-39', dans McKercher, Arms Limitation and Disarmament, vii-xvi.
  • "A greater and higher ideal": Esme Howard, Imperial unity, and Canadian autonomy in foreign policy, 1924-1930', dans Michael Graham Fry, editor, Power, Personalities, and Policies. Essays Honouring D. Cameron Watt (London: Frank Cass, 1992), 107-43.
  • avec E.J. Errington, Introduction: The Vietnam War as History, dans Errington et McKercher, The Vietnam War as History, pp.xi-xiv.
  • "The deep and latent distrust": the British Official Mind and the United States, 1919-1929', dans McKercher, Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s, pp. 208-37.
  • Between Two Giants: Canada, the Coolidge Naval Conference, and Anglo-American Relations in 1927', dans McKercher, Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s, pp. 81-124.
  • Introduction: The Struggle for Supremacy in Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s, dans McKercher, Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s, pp. 1-16.
  • Afterword: Foreign Policy and Military Planning -- The Cold War and National Defence, 1945-1960', dans R.G. Haycock et K.E. Neilson, eds., The Cold War and National Defence (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1990), pp.185-93.
  • The British Diplomatic Service in the United States and the Chamberlain Foreign Office's Perception of Domestic America: images, reality, and diplomacy, dans McKercher et Moss, Shadow and Substance in British Foreign Policy, pp. 221-47.
  • avec D.J. Moss, Introduction, Shadow and Substance in British Foreign Policy, pp. 1-18.

Travaux récents

  • British Foreign Policy and the Lethality of the German Threat, 1895-1939, The Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and the Conflict Studies and Human Rights Programme, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, 6 mars 2009.
  • Eyre Crowe and British Blockade Policy, 1914-1918:Co-ordinating Foreign and Naval Policy in Wartime, au Partnership for Peace Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22 avril 2008.
  • The First Test of Appeasement: British Views of the Anschluss, au colloque, 1938 Krisenjahr in einem Jahrhundert der Krisen, Austrian National Defence Academy: Institute for Strategy and Security Policy, Vienne, Autriche, 6 mars 2008.
  • The Anglo-American Special Relationship, au Centro de Estudios sobre Estados Unidos, Universidad de La Habana, Havana, Cuba, 22 février 2008.
  • The Persistence of the Great Powers, to Strategic Operations Analysis, Strategic Joint Staff, Department of National Defence. Ottawa, 7 février 2008.
  • The Realities of Power Revisited: Anglo-American Relations in the Interwar Period, au International History Institute, Boston University, Boston Massachusetts, 25 avril 2007.
  • The German Problem in British Foreign Policy, au European Studies Seminar, Department of History, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, 17 avril 2007
  • avec Sonia Enjamio, Anglo-American Economic Competition in Cuba, 1898-1939', International History Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, Angleterre, 23 mai 2006.
  • Sugar and Railroads: Britain, America, and Economic Competiton in Cuba, 1898-1919', Interdisciplinary Conference on Britain and the United States. Imperialism in Africa, the Caribbean, Central America, and the Middle East, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 15-18 mai 2006.
  • Postwar Planning for Peace: The League of Nations and Allied War Aims, 1916-1919, au Partnership for Peace Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, 7 avril 2006.
  • Britain, Canada, and the Crises of the late 1930s, to the Partnership for Peace Conference, Vienne, Autriche, 5 avril 2005.
  • Apuntes preliminares sobre las relaciones de Cuba con Canadá y Gran Bretaña, to the Seminario de Estudios Canadienses, Cáthedra des Estudios sobre Canadá, Universidad de La Habana, 18 mars 2005..
  • Shade and Light: Reflexions on the German Question in British Foreign Policy, 1895-1939', The 2004 Excellence in Research Lecture, au Collège militaire royal du Canada, Kingston, Ontario, 25 janvier 2005.
  • Anglo-Canadian Defence Relations, 1935-1939, au International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, 14 janvier 2005.
  • Strategy and Political Ambition: Churchill;, the National Government, and the German Threat, 1933-1939', au Guest Lecture Series, Department of History, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, 29 janvier 2004.
  • The Foreign Office, 1930-1939: Strategy, Permanent Interests, and National Security, au Conference on the Foreign Office in the Twentieth Century, dansstitute of Contemporary British History, University of London, 20 juin 2003
  • The Continental Commitment and British Foreign Policy: the Strategy of the National Government, 1933-1938', au Military History Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, Londres, Angleterre, 4 février 2003.
  • The National Government and the Continental Commitment, 1934-1936', au Scottish Centre for War Studies, Glasgow University, 28 janvier 2003.
  • The European Strategy of the Second Baldwin Government, 1924-1929', au Modern History Seminar, Department of History, University of the West of England, Bristol, England, 26 novembre 2002.
  • Neville Chamberlain versus Winston Churchill: Domestic Politics, National Strategy, and the Conservative Party in the 1930s, au Military History Seminar, All Souls College, Oxford University, 13 novembre 2002.
  • Cold War North Atlantic Triangle: Canada, Great Britain, and the United States, 1945-1990', au Conference on the Anglo-American Special Relationship, University of Rouen, Rouen, France, 6-7 novembre 2002
  • Austen Chamberlain and the European Balance of Power: Stability, Strategy, and the League of Nations, 1924-1929', au International History Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, Londres, Angleterre, 14 octobre 2002.
  • Winston Churchill Confronts Germany: The Conservative Party and Foreign Policy, 1933-1939', au British International History Group Conference, University of Dundee, Dundee, Écosse, 14 septembre 2002.
  • The Reality of Power (Revisited): Anglo-American Relations in the 1930s, Keynote Address, au British International History Group Conference, University of Dundee, Dundee, Écosse, 13 septembre 2002.
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